About Me

Hello! I’m Sharon Brizinov, a security researcher with more than 200 CVEs. I specialize in vulnerability research and OT/IoT security. I’ve presented my research in many conferences including DEFCON, BlackHat, BlueHatIL, HITCON, SANS, and more. I also contribute code to open-source projects, see my GitHub page.
I also participated in Pwn2Own five times including ICS 2020, ICS 2022, IoT 2022,ICS 2023, IoT 2023, got SANS Institue Researcher-of-the-Year Award and won DEFCON 27’s ICS CTF, earning a DEFCON black badge.
I found vulnerabilities in major companies and products such as:
- ICS: Siemens, GE, Rockwell Automation, ABB, Emerson, Honeywell, Schneider Electric, and others.
- IoT: Qualcomm, Synology, Western Digital, Netgear, TP-Link, and others.
- Misc: Wireshark, Splunk, BusyBox, and others.
- BugBounty: Meta, AWS, Microsoft, MSRC, Yahoo, Adobe, Shopify, and others.
Selected Writeups, competitions, and presentations
Type |
Name |
Description |
Misc |
BrachotPlus |
Free, online AI generated greeting cards, mostly for Jewish holidays. |
Security |
ScanMySMS |
Detecting smishing (SMS-Phising). Enter SMS content with a potentially malicious URL and let us verify it for you. |
Networks |
Ultimate Pcap |
Capture file containing a wide variety of protocols, useful for stress-testing and fuzzing. Covers almost all of Wireshark protocol dissectors with great code coverage. |
Misc |
secfeed |
Stupid simple solution to keep track of various cyber security related sources including research blogs, CVEs, advisories, etc. The script will query a list of websites and extract urls matching to specific regexs. If there are new sources (e.g. new CVE was released), a notification will be sent to Slack with the relevant link. |
Misc |
Slack Anti-Delete & Slack Sounds |
Some research I did on Slack - I patched my Slack client to keep messages that others delete, simple tool to customize Slack sound notifications. |
Dev |
DumpRequests |
Simple stupid class for globaly auto patching the entire python requests library to dump all requests and responses, for debug purposes. |
Security |
Unboxing Busybox - BusyBox Fuzzing |
Created a detailed guides & tools to fuzz the popular BusyBox software suite (several Unix utilities in a single executable file). |
Security |
EtherNet/IP & CIP Stack Detector |
EtherNet/IP & CIP Stack Detector that can help both cyber-security researchers, OT engineers, and asset owners to identify devices that are running a specific EtherNet/IP protocol stack. |
Security |
s3viewer |
Free tool for security researchers that lists the content of publicly open storages and helps to identify leaking data. |
Security |
Windows Keylogger |
Simple Windows keylogger using Windows Hooks. Also supports foreign languages |
Game |
#Yo |
#Yo is a fun mobile app game and a super-challenging way to enjoy the good old and crazy-fun Simon Says game. |
Game |
Assembly iCopter |
The old iCopter game written in assembly. |
Misc |
Whatsapp Analyzer |
Native iOS application for analyzing whatsapp conversations freely on your own iOS device. Written in Objective-C. |
Misc |
Meme Generator |
Meme generator - create memes from a ready library images with over dozens of different memes, or take photos from your camera or from your saved images. |
Sharon Brizinov